Agda UALib ↑

Model Theory and Equational Logic

This section presents the Varieties.EquationalLogic module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library where the binary “models” relation ⊧, relating algebras (or classes of algebras) to the identities that they satisfy, is defined.

Agda supports the definition of infix operations and relations, and we use this to define ⊧ so that we may write, e.g., 𝑨 ⊧ p ≈ q or 𝒦 ⊧ p ≋ q.

We also prove some closure and invariance properties of ⊧. In particular, we prove the following facts (which are needed, for example, in the proof the Birkhoff HSP Theorem).

Notation. In the Agda UALib, because a class of structures has a different type than a single structure, we must use a slightly different syntax to avoid overloading the relations ⊧ and ≈. As a reasonable alternative to what we would normally express informally as 𝒦 ⊧ 𝑝 ≈ 𝑞, we have settled on 𝒦 ⊧ p ≋ q to denote this relation. To reiterate, if 𝒦 is a class of 𝑆-algebras, we write 𝒦 ⊧ 𝑝 ≋ 𝑞 if every 𝑨 ∈ 𝒦 satisfies 𝑨 ⊧ 𝑝 ≈ 𝑞.

Unicode Hints. To produce the symbols ≈, ⊧, and ≋ in agda2-mode, type \~~, \models, and \~~~, respectively.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-}

open import Algebras.Signatures using (Signature; 𝓞; 𝓥)
open import Universes using (Universe; )

module Varieties.EquationalLogic {𝑆 : Signature 𝓞 𝓥}{𝓧 : Universe}{X : 𝓧 ̇} where

open import Subalgebras.Subalgebras{𝑆 = 𝑆} hiding (Universe; ) public
open import MGS-Embeddings using (embeddings-are-lc) public

The models relation

We define the binary “models” relation ⊧ using infix syntax so that we may write, e.g., 𝑨 ⊧ p ≈ q or 𝒦 ⊧ p ≋ q, relating algebras (or classes of algebras) to the identities that they satisfy. We also prove a coupld of useful facts about ⊧. More will be proved about ⊧ in the next module, Varieties.EquationalLogic.

module _ {𝓤 : Universe} where
 _⊧_≈_ : Algebra 𝓤 𝑆  Term X  Term X  𝓤  𝓧 ̇
 𝑨  p  q = 𝑨  p   𝑨  q 

 _⊧_≋_ : Pred(Algebra 𝓤 𝑆)(ov 𝓤)  Term X  Term X  𝓧  ov 𝓤 ̇
 𝒦  p  q = {𝑨 : Algebra _ 𝑆}  𝒦 𝑨  𝑨  p  q

Syntax and semantics of ⊧

The expression 𝑨 ⊧ 𝑝 ≈ 𝑞 represents the assertion that the identity p ≈ q holds when interpreted in the algebra 𝑨; syntactically, 𝑝 ̇ 𝑨 ≡ 𝑞 ̇ 𝑨. It should be emphasized that the expression 𝑝 ̇ 𝑨 ≡ 𝑞 ̇ 𝑨 is interpreted computationally as an extensional equality, by which we mean that for each assignment function 𝒂 : X → ∣ 𝑨 ∣, assigning values in the domain of 𝑨 to the variable symbols in X, we have (𝑝 ̇ 𝑨) 𝒂 ≡ (𝑞 ̇ 𝑨) 𝒂.

Equational theories and models

Here we define a type Th so that, if 𝒦 denotes a class of algebras, then Th 𝒦 represents the set of identities modeled by all members of 𝒦.

 Th : Pred (Algebra 𝓤 𝑆)(ov 𝓤)  Pred(Term X × Term X)(𝓧  ov 𝓤)
 Th 𝒦 = λ (p , q)  𝒦  p  q

If ℰ denotes a set of identities, then the class of algebras satisfying all identities in ℰ is represented by Mod ℰ, which we define in the following natural way.

 Mod : Pred(Term X × Term X)(𝓧  ov 𝓤)  Pred(Algebra 𝓤 𝑆)(ov (𝓧  𝓤))
 Mod  = λ 𝑨   p q  (p , q)    𝑨  p  q

Algebraic invariance of ⊧

The binary relation ⊧ would be practically useless if it were not an algebraic invariant (i.e., invariant under isomorphism).

DFunExt : 𝓤ω
DFunExt = (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)  dfunext 𝓤 𝓥

module _ {𝓤 𝓦 : Universe}{𝑨 : Algebra 𝓤 𝑆} where

 ⊧-I-invar : DFunExt  (𝑩 : Algebra 𝓦 𝑆)(p q : Term X)
            𝑨  p  q    𝑨  𝑩    𝑩  p  q

 ⊧-I-invar fe 𝑩 p q Apq (f , g , f∼g , g∼f) = (fe (𝓧  𝓦) 𝓦) λ x 
  (𝑩  p ) x                      ≡⟨ refl 
  (𝑩  p ) ( 𝒾𝒹 𝑩   x)         ≡⟨ ap (𝑩  p ) ((fe 𝓧 𝓦) λ i  ((f∼g)(x i))⁻¹)
  (𝑩  p ) (( f    g )  x)  ≡⟨ (comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓦) 𝑩 f p ( g   x))⁻¹ 
   f  ((𝑨  p ) ( g   x))    ≡⟨ ap  -   f  (- ( g   x))) Apq 
   f  ((𝑨  q ) ( g   x))    ≡⟨ comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓦) 𝑩 f q ( g   x) 
  (𝑩  q ) (( f    g )   x) ≡⟨ ap (𝑩  q ) ((fe 𝓧 𝓦) λ i  (f∼g) (x i)) 
  (𝑩  q ) x                      

As the proof makes clear, we show 𝑩 ⊧ p ≈ q by showing that p ̇ 𝑩 ≡ q ̇ 𝑩 holds extensionally, that is, ∀ x, (𝑩 ⟦ p ⟧) x ≡ (q ̇ 𝑩) x.

Lift-invariance of ⊧

The ⊧ relation is also invariant under the algebraic lift and lower operations.

module _ {𝓤 𝓦 : Universe}{𝑨 : Algebra 𝓤 𝑆} where

 ⊧-Lift-invar : DFunExt  (p q : Term X)  𝑨  p  q  Lift-alg 𝑨 𝓦  p  q
 ⊧-Lift-invar fe p q Apq = ⊧-I-invar fe (Lift-alg 𝑨 _) p q Apq Lift-≅

 ⊧-lower-invar : DFunExt  (p q : Term X)  Lift-alg 𝑨 𝓦  p  q    𝑨  p  q
 ⊧-lower-invar fe p q lApq = ⊧-I-invar fe 𝑨 p q lApq (≅-sym Lift-≅)

Subalgebraic invariance of ⊧

Identities modeled by an algebra 𝑨 are also modeled by every subalgebra of 𝑨, which fact can be formalized as follows.

module _ {𝓤 𝓦 : Universe}
         -- (fwxw : dfunext (𝓦 ⊔ 𝓧) 𝓦)(fvu : dfunext 𝓥 𝓤)

 ⊧-S-invar : DFunExt  {𝑨 : Algebra 𝓤 𝑆}(𝑩 : Algebra 𝓦 𝑆){p q : Term X}
            𝑨  p  q    𝑩  𝑨    𝑩  p  q
 ⊧-S-invar fe {𝑨} 𝑩 {p}{q} Apq B≤A = (fe (𝓧  𝓦) 𝓦) λ b  (embeddings-are-lc  h   B≤A ) (ξ b)
  h : hom 𝑩 𝑨
  h =  B≤A 

  ξ :  b   h  ((𝑩  p ) b)   h  ((𝑩  q ) b)
  ξ b =  h ((𝑩  p ) b)   ≡⟨ comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓤) 𝑨 h p b 
        (𝑨  p )( h   b) ≡⟨ happly Apq ( h   b) 
        (𝑨  q )( h   b) ≡⟨ (comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓤) 𝑨 h q b)⁻¹ 
         h ((𝑩  q ) b)   

Next, identities modeled by a class of algebras is also modeled by all subalgebras of the class. In other terms, every term equation p ≈ q that is satisfied by all 𝑨 ∈ 𝒦 is also satisfied by every subalgebra of a member of 𝒦.

 ⊧-S-class-invar : DFunExt  {𝒦 : Pred (Algebra 𝓤 𝑆)(ov 𝓤)}(p q : Term X)
                  𝒦  p  q  (𝑩 : SubalgebraOfClass{𝓦} 𝒦)   𝑩   p  q
 ⊧-S-class-invar fe p q Kpq (𝑩 , 𝑨 , SA , (ka , BisSA)) = ⊧-S-invar fe 𝑩 {p}{q}((Kpq ka)) (h , hem)
   h : hom 𝑩 𝑨
   h = ∘-hom 𝑩 𝑨 ( BisSA )  snd SA 
   hem : is-embedding  h 
   hem = ∘-embedding ( snd SA ) (iso→embedding BisSA)

Product invariance of ⊧

An identity satisfied by all algebras in an indexed collection is also satisfied by the product of algebras in that collection.

module _ {𝓤 𝓦 : Universe}(I : 𝓦 ̇)(𝒜 : I  Algebra 𝓤 𝑆) where

 ⊧-P-invar : DFunExt  {p q : Term X}  (∀ i  𝒜 i  p  q)   𝒜  p  q
 ⊧-P-invar fe {p}{q} 𝒜pq = γ
   γ :  𝒜  p      𝒜  q 
   γ = (fe (𝓧  𝓤  𝓦) (𝓤  𝓦)) λ a  ( 𝒜  p ) a      ≡⟨ interp-prod (fe 𝓥 (𝓤  𝓦)) p 𝒜 a 
        i  (𝒜 i  p )(λ x  (a x)i)) ≡⟨ (fe 𝓦 𝓤)  i  cong-app (𝒜pq i)  x  (a x) i)) 
        i  (𝒜 i  q )(λ x  (a x)i)) ≡⟨ (interp-prod (fe 𝓥 (𝓤  𝓦)) q 𝒜 a)⁻¹ 
       ( 𝒜  q ) a                     

An identity satisfied by all algebras in a class is also satisfied by the product of algebras in the class.

 ⊧-P-class-invar : DFunExt  {𝒦 : Pred (Algebra 𝓤 𝑆)(ov 𝓤)}{p q : Term X}
                  𝒦  p  q  (∀ i  𝒜 i  𝒦)   𝒜  p  q

 ⊧-P-class-invar fe {𝒦}{p}{q}α K𝒜 = ⊧-P-invar fe {p}{q i  α (K𝒜 i)

Another fact that will turn out to be useful is that a product of a collection of algebras models p ≈ q if the lift of each algebra in the collection models p ≈ q.

 ⊧-P-lift-invar : DFunExt  {p q : Term X}
                 (∀ i  (Lift-alg (𝒜 i) 𝓦)  p  q)     𝒜  p  q

 ⊧-P-lift-invar fe {p}{q} α = ⊧-P-invar fe {p}{q}Aipq
    Aipq :  i  (𝒜 i)  p  q
    Aipq i = ⊧-lower-invar fe p q (α i) --  (≅-sym Lift-≅)

Homomorphic invariance of ⊧

If an algebra 𝑨 models an identity p ≈ q, then the pair (p , q) belongs to the kernel of every homomorphism φ : hom (𝑻 X) 𝑨 from the term algebra to 𝑨; that is, every homomorphism from 𝑻 X to 𝑨 maps p and q to the same element of 𝑨.

module _ {𝓤 𝓦 : Universe}{𝑨 : Algebra 𝓤 𝑆} where

 ⊧-H-invar : DFunExt  {p q : Term X}(φ : hom (𝑻 X) 𝑨)  𝑨  p  q     φ  p   φ  q

 ⊧-H-invar fe {p}{q} φ β =  φ  p      ≡⟨ ap  φ  (term-agreement {fe = (fe 𝓥 (ov 𝓧))} p) 
                  φ ((𝑻 X  p ) )   ≡⟨ (comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓤) 𝑨 φ p  ) 
                 (𝑨  p ) ( φ   )  ≡⟨ happly β ( φ    ) 
                 (𝑨  q ) ( φ   )  ≡⟨ (comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓤) 𝑨 φ q  )⁻¹ 
                  φ  ((𝑻 X  q ) )  ≡⟨(ap  φ  (term-agreement {fe = (fe 𝓥 (ov 𝓧))} q))⁻¹ 
                  φ  q                

More generally, an identity is satisfied by all algebras in a class if and only if that identity is invariant under all homomorphisms from the term algebra 𝑻 X into algebras of the class. More precisely, if 𝒦 is a class of 𝑆-algebras and 𝑝, 𝑞 terms in the language of 𝑆, then,

𝒦 ⊧ p ≈ q ⇔ ∀ 𝑨 ∈ 𝒦, ∀ φ : hom (𝑻 X) 𝑨, φ ∘ (𝑝 ̇ (𝑻 X)) = φ ∘ (𝑞 ̇ (𝑻 X)).

module _ {𝒦 : Pred (Algebra 𝓤 𝑆)(ov 𝓤)}  where

 -- ⇒ (the "only if" direction)
 ⊧-H-class-invar : DFunExt  {p q : Term X}
                  𝒦  p  q   𝑨 φ  𝑨  𝒦   φ   (𝑻 X  p )   φ   (𝑻 X  q )
 ⊧-H-class-invar fe {p}{q} α 𝑨 φ ka = (fe (ov 𝓧) 𝓤) ξ
   ξ : ∀(𝒂 : X   𝑻 X  )   φ  ((𝑻 X  p ) 𝒂)   φ  ((𝑻 X  q ) 𝒂)
   ξ 𝒂 =  φ  ((𝑻 X  p ) 𝒂)  ≡⟨ comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓤) 𝑨 φ p 𝒂 
         (𝑨  p )( φ   𝒂)   ≡⟨ happly (α ka) ( φ   𝒂) 
         (𝑨  q )( φ   𝒂)   ≡⟨ (comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓤) 𝑨 φ q 𝒂)⁻¹ 
          φ  ((𝑻 X  q ) 𝒂)  

-- ⇐ (the "if" direction)
 ⊧-H-class-coinvar : DFunExt  {p q : Term X}
    (∀ 𝑨 φ  𝑨  𝒦   φ   (𝑻 X  p )   φ   (𝑻 X  q ))  𝒦  p  q

 ⊧-H-class-coinvar fe {p}{q} β {𝑨} ka = γ
  φ : (𝒂 : X   𝑨 )  hom (𝑻 X) 𝑨
  φ 𝒂 = lift-hom 𝑨 𝒂

  γ : 𝑨  p  q
  γ = (fe (𝓧  𝓤) 𝓤) λ 𝒂  (𝑨  p )( φ 𝒂   )     ≡⟨(comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓤) 𝑨 (φ 𝒂) p )⁻¹ 
               ( φ 𝒂   (𝑻 X  p ))   ≡⟨ cong-app (β 𝑨 (φ 𝒂) ka)  
               ( φ 𝒂   (𝑻 X  q ))   ≡⟨ (comm-hom-term (fe 𝓥 𝓤) 𝑨 (φ 𝒂) q ) 
               (𝑨  q )( φ 𝒂   )     

 ⊧-H : DFunExt  {p q : Term X}  𝒦  p  q  (∀ 𝑨 φ  𝑨  𝒦   φ   (𝑻 X  p )   φ  (𝑻 X  q ))
 ⊧-H fe {p}{q} = ⊧-H-class-invar fe {p}{q} , ⊧-H-class-coinvar fe {p}{q} 

↑ Varieties Varieties.Varieties →